Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to our FAQ section! Here, you'll find answers to the most common questions about our services. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to our customer support team for further assistance.
Are Your Courses WSIB Approved?
Yes, all our Red Cross courses are WSIB approved for the workplace.
How do I Know Which Course to Take?
We strongly suggest taking STANDARD FIRST AID/CPR C which is the highest level available to the public and accepted by all workplaces for anything that requires First Aid. Emergency First aid levels are now only booked by private groups as most people opt to take the next level up of SFA/CPR.
Am I Eligible to Take a Recert Course?
In order to take a re-cert course, you must have previously taken the full course and the certificate must still be valid. If you do not meet that criteria or if you took a re-cert last time, you must take the full course this time. You must be ale to provide proof of your previous certificate in order to take the re-cert. WSI has discontinued the re-cert for EMERGENCY first aid courses so these will always be a full in class course (with no online component).
Where Can I pay for My Course?
Complete the registration form on our website with the date you would like your in-class session. You must choose one of the available class dates as listed under "UPCOMING DATES". If the date is no longer listed, it is because it's full. Upon receiving your registration form, we will then email you an invoice for payment. You can pay right on the invoice with a credit card or there are instructions on the invoice for e-transfer. Paymet is due the day you register. Please do not sign up for the course until you are ready to make payment.
For businesses or group registrations, please send us an email. We will get back to you with available dates for private groups or take the list of names and emails from you for alternate business invoicing.
All invoicing and payments are made online. All training center employees are present for training only.
How do I Create a My Red Cross Account?
Important Note: We do not recommend the use of mobile devices for online courses.
Once registered for a course, a system-generated email would have been sent to you from Canadian Red Cross | Croix-Rouge Canadienne <my.account@redcross.ca> with the subject Action Required: Register for your new Red Cross Account / Action requise: Inscription a votre nouveau compte Ma Croix-Rouge.
Note: If you have not received an email invitation for your online course, or have any issues please call or email the contact center:
Call: +1-877-356-3226
Email: myrcsupport@redcross.ca
Click on the link in the email that says "Please click here to create a new My Red Cross account to access your course information and online course component". After clicking the link, you will be taken to the sign page. Click "Sign up now" which is on the right hand side of the page. Proceed with entering your email address, create and confirm a password. The email address you enter here will be the username you will use whenever you login to your account. You have finished creating a My Red Cross account.
How do I access my Online Course?
From the My Courses page you can click on the link "your online traning" and it will takeyou to your online course page where you will be redirected to the learning site (https://lms.redcross.ca/student/default.php) where you will see a list of your available courses. The first time you go to access your course you will see it listed twice in the Course Language Sekectuib area: one English and one French. Click Activate next to the language you wish to be instructed in. Now that your course is activated, you'll be given the option to enter the course and begin (or continue where you last left off) your online learning. Once you have completed your course, you will have the option to review the course or to see your certificate. This document is not your final certificate, but you may be asked to present it to your instructor.
When Will I Be Able to Start the Online Component?
If you have registered for a Blended Learning course you will be able to start the online component within 24 hours of payment for your course being received. If you already have a Red Cross account (you have previously taken a Red Cross course) you will just log into your account at myrc.redcross.ca, go under “My Profile and then “my online courses” and you will find your course there ready to complete.
If you have never previously had a Red Cross account, you will receive an email invite from the Canadian Red Cross asking you to create that account (you must use the email you gave us to register you) and you can then login and begin your online course.
If you have booked a course that is more than 4 weeks away do not begin the online component until closer to as it is only valid for 4 weeks. So it cannot be completed more than 4 weeks before the in-class session.
How long Do I Need To Complete The Online Portion Of My Training?
First Aid training will take between 5-8 hours for most to complete
CPR/C only training takes between 2.5-3.5 hours
Emergency FA and BLS do not have an online component (all in class)
Can I Still Attend Class if I Did Not Complete My Online Component?
No, you will not be admitted to the course should the online not be 100% completed. We ask that you have that online component completed at least 2 business days prior to your inclass session to avoid any issues. We ask this as there are times the Red Cross helpline site may be down for maintenance and if you plan to complete it the day before class, you may be stuck unable to complete. Unable to complete for these reasons becomes your responsibility and regular reschedule fees would apply. The Red Cross helpline is not available evenings or weekends. We suggest you always use the phone option when contacting them for immediate assistance while you are on the phone, as often times email responses can take multiple days.
I'm Running Late for my Class,
Can I Still Attend?
You must attend your full course as scheduled in order to meet the Red Cross program requirement to receive your certificate. We allow a 10 minute grace period for latecomers. If you know your start time does not align with bussing schedules, please arrange for a ride, cab etc. If you arrive after the grace period, you will be required to call the office to reschedule your class to a new date. Our standard rescheduling fees apply.
What If I am Unable to get Down to Floor for CPR?
Please discuss with us any concerns you may have prior to the start of class. We can make arrangements ahead of time Eg. to have a mannequin at table height etc if you are unable to get to the floor, however, you must still be able to demonstrate skills correctly in order to receive certification.
Can I complete an all Online Course?
No. There are no all online WSIB approved first aid/cpr courses in Canada. All courses, even the blended courses, allow you to do part training online at your own pace, but they all MUST have an inclass component to validate your practical skills. Many people are fooled into registering for all online courses thinking they are getting a better deal and they end up paying more to become compliant. Don’t be fooled, they are not valid from school or the workplace.
When will I receive my certificate? How do I get a copy if I lose my certificate?
All certificates are either received while you are there or if they are electronic (in the case of first aid certificates), you will receive them on the same date you complete the in-class component. You never have to wait for certificates.
Should you lose a printed certificate or need a new copy, Your certificates never disappear from your Red Cross account. You can always log in using the email you registered with and enter the password you created for your account and go under “my profile” then “my certificates” and print yourself a new one. Should you have any issues getting into your account, you can always call the Red Cross helpline for assistance (only Red Cross can help with issues with your account) at 1(877)356-3226. We always suggest waiting on the phone for immediate assistance as sometimes the email option does not return a quick response.
Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy for Blended Training Courses
Blended Courses cannot be cancelled once registered, or transferred to alternate names as they are accompanied with an online course component that cannot be taken back. However, your in-class portion can be rescheduled with a $50.00 administrative reschedule fee (per person), as long as the request is made with more than 72 hours Business Days notice of the in-class start date. Only 1 reschedule will be permitted. We are not responsible if there is no available reschedule date prior to your online component expiring (once the online is completed it is only valid for 4 weeks). In that case it would require you to register for a brand new course.
Cancellation & Reschedule for BLS Courses
BLS courses will have a $50 reschedule fee if changed with less than 72 hours notice. Otherwise they are non refundable. These courses have very limited seats available and every class fills. For that reason, no shows will not be refunded.
Cancellation & Reschedule for WHMIS/N95 Fit Testing
WHMIS courses are nonrefundable once the login has been issued to you. Fit Testing spots are non refundable for no-shows or attending late or unprepared. Eg. face not clean shaven. We test multiple participants at a time, so you are asked to arrive 5 minutes prior to testing time. Once the test has started, late arrivals must rebook at the full fee. N95 Mask Fit testing runs 10-15 minutes to complete the test. Please do not have anything to eat/drink except water for 15 minutes prior to your test